Calculate the probability of all potential response patterns for each respondent using C++

p_thirtC(gamma, items, persons, picked_order = NULL)



a data.frame of length [total binary outcomes] with two variables: variable pair of the format i-j for item pair ij, variable gamma for threshold parameters.


a data.frame of length [total items] with five variables: variable item of the format i for item number i, variable block of the format b for block number b, variable dim of the format d for dimension number d, variable lambda for loadings, variable psisq for uniqueness, variable dim for dimensions.


a data.frame of length [number of people] with variables: variable person of the format p for person number p, variables named theta_d for dimension number d.


a data.frame of length [person x block] with four variables: variable person of the format p for person number p, variable block of the format b for block number b, variable resp of the format r for response order number r which follows mupp::find_all_permutation orders, variable seq which includes the items in ranked order by each person. data.frame similar to output in simulate_thirt_resp()$resp


a list of length [block] of matrices with dimension [person X permutation]

of probabilities for each response pattern per block.